Saturday, April 29, 2006

Keeping Up With Progress

Our architectural team is working hard on the overall layout and footprint of our new church home. In fact, we will be receiving an initial topographical drawing in the next couple of days. You will be able to see it right here on the blog.

stay tuned!!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Future Home!

Here is a picture of our Sunday afternoon ceremony where we unveiled the "Future Home" sign on our property

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Give Us Your Input!

We are meeting with our architect every week and we would love to have input from our members.
What would you like to see in a new church building?
A coffee shop?
A book store?
A large kitchen?
No suggestion is a bad suggestion. To weigh in on the process, simply send an email or post a comment right here on the blog.

Go Ahead! Give It A Try!

Monday, April 10, 2006

A Dream Come True!

We did something on Sunday that we have been dreaming about for years. We placed a “Future Home of New Life Community Church” sign on the property for all to see! Approximately 60-70 people came to the property to watch the unveiling of the sign and pose for a group photo.
I wonder what we will think of that picture when we look at it ten years from now.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sign Raising Ceremony

Everyone is invited to a special sign raising ceremony. Be there as we set up our “Future Home of New Life” sign on the property.

Join us on Sunday afternoon as we pause to celebrate what God has done.

The all-family event will be from 1:00 -1:15 on Sunday afternoon, April 9th.

For directions to the site, see below