Sometimes there is so much going on and so much to do that I can’t begin to keep up with it all. Other times there is absolutely nothing going on!
Well, guess what?
We seem to be in an in-between stage.
The company that is purchasing the parcel behind ours is preparing their building plans to submit to the county. What this means for our church is that I will be working closely with them to help insure a mutually beneficial “edge condition” (our properties share a common edge). This means that we will be attempting to make sure neither site plan poses an imposition or difficulty for the adjoining property owner.
In addition to this, our church has been contacted by the owner of the property at the other end of ours regarding the building he is preparing to construct. He is still interested in leasing to us and said that he hoped to have some solid costs worked out within a couple of weeks. He wants to meet at that time and discuss a potential lease in detail.
As Growing In Faith activity ramps up, we really need your faithful prayer support. Please keep this process in your prayers.
Thanks to God and your faithfulness for making this project possible!