Last week we met with the county to discuss our building project. Overall, the meeting went well and we were introduced to the case-planner that will be handling our plot plan approval process. He was very helpful to us in identifying important milestones (next steps) in the process. Here are the milestones (at least, the ones I know about) that we will have to pass on our way to plot plan submittal and approval:
1. Meeting with Senior Planner
2. Project Kickoff Meeting with architect
3. Reconfiguration of Building Design
4. Topographical Property Site Survey
5. Geotechnical Engineering Study
6. Acquire Precise Grading Plans from adjoining property owners
7. Traffic Study
8. Biology Report
9. Acoustical Study
10. Final Plot Plan Document Set Created
11. Final Plot Plan Submittal To County
While all of the milestones are important, we would like you to specifically pray about number 7. This milestone, if it is required of us, will mean a substantial extra cost. Right now it’s possible that we may be allowed to bypass this milestone, but we will need God’s help and your prayers.