What's Next? Good question!
That's why we've scheduled a handful of meetings to share the plan for moving forward with Growing In Faith and get your input. Soon you will receive an invitation card that looks like this one with the dates and times for these important meetings. We’re asking each member to make the time to attend one of these meetings. At this meeting, you’ll find out:- Why we’re working toward a church home of our own
- Where we are in the process of moving forward
- A preview of what the building will look like
- What we need to do to take the next step
- Ways members can play a part
So, keep checking your mailbox and we'll see you at the meetings!
Each month, as the Growing In Faith giving comes in, an amount is set aside for the monthly mortgage payment, cumulative taxes, project management, association dues, insurance, etc. This amount is approximately $12,000.00. The total September GIF giving was $6,389.00 That means we were short by about $5,600.00.Even though the financial situation isn't looking so great, we think there is still a way to move forward with God's help! Over the next couple of months we’re setting up a handful of information meetings to share the proposed plan, answer questions and get your feedback. If you are a member of our church, you will soon receive a letter with dates and times for these meetings. Please make it a priority to attend. Right now, we have a piece of property with the sign “Future Home of New Life” on it, and we want to keep it that way. Pray with us that God will open up the way for us to continue forward with Growing in Faith.September GIF giving $6,389.00Minimum to “pay bills” $12,000.00Shortage ($5,611.00)